Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Alaska

WOWIE WOW WOW WOW! - Hey. now this is snow! Record breaking snow the same week that our prez and al are trying to pitch global warming in coppenhagen... Yes, God does have a sense of the humor!

Here's the pics to prove it.

Day One: The Wonder of Snow

starting out mellow

gonna be fun

nice little blanket to play in tomorrow

Day Two: Fun with White stuff

ok this is getting serious

Day Three: Shovel Time


this is ridiculous - starting today, kids are no longer allowed to pray for snow

now we're talkin

what's the number to 911?

just about to go into cardiac arrest

After the mass clean-up Marie and I slipped out the back door, jumped in my truck and took a drive the nearby countryside to see the effects of this beautiful white stuff..

lees' drive behind our house

this is behind our neighborhood in the civil war battlefield

this is our street

To be continued...

Christmas Trees and Coldstuff

Virginia for the most part had been very mild with temperatures sometimes dipping in the 30's. No worries... Big Bear in so-cal get much colder than that! - By talking to the locals we knew it would get colder most likely in February, so we thought we had plenty of time to shop gloves, coats and snow shovels and what-nots.. Turns-out everybody was wrong.. Global warming is a sham and Al Gore is a freakin' liar!.. The night we planned on getting a Christmas tree turned out to be one of the coldest nights so-far 19 degrees!.. it felt like -19

To keep the belly warm, the troops motivated and to be in step with any Jacobs family outing, it always customary to begin with FOOD. Here's some shots of us at a local family restaurant called 'Friendlys'.. Food was great but much pricier than our usual Micky D or Taco Bell outing. We figured it was a special occasion and deceided to give it a try.

sari drinking strawberry AND chocolate shake at the same time

After our awesome meal we treckked out to Stafford to score ourselves a tree at a Christmas Tree Farm. The place was pretty cool and lots of photo op type of props.. but it was so stinkin cold we did the rush-rush to keep the blood pumping and to stay warm.

After nabbing the tree it was time to haul it home and decorate!

Several days after we got the tree a surprise guest came to visit us from California.. Aunt Velma!.. Not sure if these pictures show it.. but they were very excited.

To be continued....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let it Snow and Sick as a Dog!

We've been here for 3 months or so and the kids have been waiting for the snow... daily. We told them that January was most likely the season for snow, but the kids have been praying for it ever since we got here. Evidently the kids prayers are stronger than mine because today it snowed!.

I'm sure to the locals this was nothing.. but to us newbies it was a winter wonderland. I personally would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't caught this stupid cold... but I found out that once you're in 30 degree weather, you can't feel anything.

It started out just a cold rain with an occasional flake here and there.. but eventually it really started to snow and actually cover the ground!

catching snowflakes and a cold all at the same time!

early in the flurry he was so anxious to make a snow angle.. can you tell?

our back deck covered

Sari-girl fearless of the the snow

The princess on the neighbors sled

Steven freezing

Marie took this opportunity to start the Christmas decorations!

Sari helping out with the decorations

waiting for the hot apple cider

Tomorrow it should probably all melt away but it was an awesome way to kick off the Christmas season by bringing in the spirit with this wonderful white stuff!

Thanksgiving and stuff

God is good and we are so blessed!

Thanksgiving was pretty neat this year. The weather really felt like late November and leaves had fallen.. something we're not used to coming from Southern California. It would have been perfect if Troy could have been here, but knew he was taken care of in so-cal with Mieke and the Girls. Here's some photos to document the festivities!

family photo on the back deck

Valorie basting the Bird!

the kids waiting to eat!

Don and Joseph carving the bounty

Table for two

to be continued...